Sunday, November 9, 2014


Our Diversity - A Valuable Asset

At this time, each year, we pause to reflect on, and express appreciation for those who gave their lives for our nation, and for all our veterans, and men and women in the Forces. Canada has much to be proud of with respect to this country's role in arenas of conflict during the last 100 years. Vimy Ridge and Battle of Ypres; Dieppe, D-Day and Atlantic; Suez and Cyprus; Rwanda and Bosnia - all resonate in the minds of Canadians. Canada's reputation is of the highest order.

Let's also consider the possibility of avoiding conflict, by redoubling our efforts to bridge the differences between ourselves and those we are in danger of becoming enemies with.

The two gentlemen pictured were mortal enemies in WW II. Siegfried Bartel (left) was an officer in the German Army; the other gentleman was a member of the U.S. Airforce. Many years after the war, they became acquainted and good friends with each other.

This photo reminds me that we have the capacity to love, to tolerate, and to forgive, notwithstanding our past differences and experiences. May the photo also cause you to reflect on what it might mean for you personally, as you relate to those you rub shoulders with each day. Abbotsford is the third most culturally-diverse city in B.C., and that diversity can be our greatest strength! Let's embrace it and employ it in becoming a stronger and more vibrant community!

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